Sigma Pi was founded in 1897, making it one of the oldest social fraternities in the United States. Since then, it has expanded to have over 200 chapters and over 110,000 initiates around the world. In 1948, a couple of men came together and founded the Alpha-Phi chapter here at the University of Georgia. Over the years the chapter has changed drastically, but our core values have never changed: Brotherhood, Scholarship, and Chivalry.
Presently, the brothers of Sigma Pi continue to achieve great things, both inside and outside the classroom. Many brothers are members of the Honors College and we regularly find members on the President’s and Dean’s List every semester. Others are members of prestigious academic honor societies such as the Golden Key, Order of Omega, and ODK. Many also contribute to the groundbreaking research being done at the University of Georgia everyday. However, our involvement on campus does not extend only to our classes. Every member is involved with at least one on campus organization, ranging from the Aviation Club to Institute of Leadership Advancement to Relay for Life. Many brothers also become leaders in these organizations; for example, UGA Miracle has five brothers on their leadership team, with three being on the Executive Board. We at Sigma Pi pride ourselves on our campus involvement and we strive to continue this tradition.
Despite our achievements on campus, the brothers still know how to have fun. We have a full social calendar, filled with tailgates, date nights, sorority socials, our annual Orchid Ball formal, and our seasonal parties. Along with this, we also have multiple philanthropy events, such as our annual fall concert “Rock Out” benefitting Camp Kesem, our “Cookout for the Cops” for the UGA Police Department, along with other events to benefit philanthropy events throughout campus. We also support the Sheepdog Connection, a charity started by one of our brothers Tim Fitzgerald.
Our Chapter is continuing the tradition set by brothers before us to Strive for Excellence. As the years go on, we hope we continue to see this tradition achieved by those who join our Fraternity.